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June 2, 2019 @ 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm
The Field
385 Queen's Rd
London SE14 5HD
385 Queen's Rd
London SE14 5HD

Soma at The Field has been trying to focus in using Soma’s group process as a laboratory to occupy the space for active experimentation. The new group will start from this introductory workshop, with further dates (usually two Sundays a month) to be set at the end the day. We will be playing/talking Soma games, communal eating and food-sharing, and working in/with the space. Since working in groups is one of the biggest challenges in our competitive and individualistic society, how can we learn from our bodies to create and act in a more cooperative way? And what can we do together in a space calling for more collaborators, active participants, and local community organisers?
Soma is a libertarian group experiment using body and play to inspire cooperation. Created in Brazil as an anarchist therapy, by Roberto Freire, Soma games are invitations and challenges to share physical experiences of collaboration, trust, care and responsibility. After the games, the participants share their experiences, talking about their perceptions, feelings and emotions playing together. The games and talks are the material to work with in the group dynamic and trigger new experiments.
The Field is a social and educational space and political project which resists the logic of capitalism through local political action, radical education, mutual care and solidarity, and commoning and collective service provision. The Field acts as a venue for groups, campaigns, and events that share these principles, and exists as a collective which instigates new projects from the space and in the local area.
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