
The Field aims:

  • To provide a place for individuals and groups who share our vision and support our mission to meet

  • To practice and support democratic forms of organising and community building which counter the hierarchies of capitalist society

  • To have a specific but not exclusive aim to develop and support projects which use the theory and practice of the commons, mutual aid and mutual care

  • To put in place processes which allow us to take care of our relationships with each other as members which can be put under strain when organising collectively

  • To be an effective base for collective action against different forms of oppression, injustice and inequality, and to form alliances with other campaigns and collectives which work to these ends

  • To address issues of power and privilege in all its manifestations; not just in traditional institutions but in access to resources and relationships between people

  • To grow a membership which actively contributes to and engages with a holistic vision and strategy for The Field

  • To develop and support projects which provide a radical service provision in New Cross, which does not rely on an ethic of charity but on solidarity and mutual aid

  • To develop and embed a cooperative culture among our members and in our community and to be a working example of cooperative society in action, and an inspiration for other projects like ours

  • To serve as a space for autonomous education To organise social events where projects connections between groups can happen and new relationships can form

    Download ‘Aims’ as pdf