Following our last session where we learnt how to clap bulerias and a few flamenco moves with Alice, whilst Sonia sang Tangos, we are coming together to learn more about the fascinating and complex art form of flamenco. This is called a ‘Reunion’ because it is an informal gathering of music lovers rather than a lesson or a performance.
Rebecca is a flamenco enthusiast who is facilitating the session but not RUNNING the session, as her level is VERY basic. So please don’t be shy about coming along if you don’t know anything.
This is a chance to share any knowledge you have of flamenco (any level welcome) and there will be two artists who have been practising the baile (dance) and cante (song) to guide us and teach us more about compas (the rhythm – an integral part of flamenco).
All welcome!
Email Rebecca if any further questions – morrisrebeccaw@gmail.com